We’ve got a lot of songs tonight,
Some of them are actually a lot older than one of you,
So unless your mamma was playin’ music really loud while you we’re in his kind of like .. |)
You won’t know this songs..
Well you might know them but you wouldn’t have seen as played them live
Now we’re gonna be here for a while tonight
So we’re looking forward to keep in a..
Well thats a fat word, we-re stayin’ in a hotel that’s a really posh hotel just there,
So right now there’s gonna be lots of really important like business-man, looking out the window and going
“Those noisy fuckers! When is this gonna’ end?”And the truth is .. We’ll gonna’ be around for a couple of hours here, my friend!
I promise it will be a revelation!
Aşa a început Bruce Dickinson concertul Iron Maiden.
Trupa a mai concertat în România în 1995 dar atunci solistul era Blaze Bayley.
Concertul a fost nebunie curată!
They played with Madness!
Mi s-a părut ‘best ever’ dintre toate concertele la care am fost.
Iron Maiden ştie să facă atmosferă! Mă bucur nespus că nu am ratat concertul, gândindu-mă că poate este ultima dată când vin în România. Au scris istorie!